Student of Analysis and Systems Development at Estácio University (currently in the 3rd semester) and graduate in Geography from the State University of Ceará. I am a passionate streamer with interests in technology, books, physical exercises, and languages, studying English (intermediate level) and Korean (basic level).
Since childhood, the world of technology and computers has always intrigued me. Solving computer-related problems fueled my passion for software, leading me to venture into programming after completing my Geography degree.
I possess well-developed social skills (which led me to pursue a streaming career) and a desire for leadership, gained through life experiences of dealing with diverse groups, overcoming challenges, and meeting deadlines. I engage in daily reading on a wide range of topics, including robotics, human nature, and philosophy.
I have experience with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Furthermore, I am quite familiar with Bootstrap, TailwindCSS, and SASS. Always oriented towards interactive web applications with responsive designs. Currently, I am focused on building and solidifying my knowledge in ReactJS.
Skilled in Salesforce tools like Marketing Cloud Admin and Experience Cloud, enabling the setup and management of marketing campaigns and customer experiences.
Proficient in C, Python, and MySQL for server-side development. Utilize Git and GitHub for version control and collaboration.